Meet the Clark's

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Preparation Day with the MTC Teachers

Once each year, the faculty of the Philippines Missionary Training Center have a retreat/team building day.  We were invited to participate.  The faculty is comprised of 40+ young adults - all returned missionaries - and wonderful teachers.  We started the day at the Pillialla Rizal Windmill Farm, about 2 hours drive from the MTC.  It was a fascinating field trip to learn about energy in the Philippines.

One of our former missionaries is a current teacher at the MTC. 

This is Melvin.  He is our department administrative assistant.  We don't know what we'd do without him.  The picture below is how we all feel about him.  Melvin was in our mission in Angeles.  He has an incredible heart and serves all who he meets.

Here, teachers participate in a team building exercise to lower the "helium stick" to the ground.  It's a great lesson in teamwork, communication and anger management.  A good time was had by all.

Filipinos love videoke.  The low point of the day was President Clark and Elder Muir mauling the microphone and mangling the Sinatra favorite, "My Way."  Sister Clark and Sister Muir on the other hand pretended to be skilled vocalists with a song we can't even remember.  (Age is kind in some ways).  We enjoyed our day with the teachers and staff.

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