Meet the Clark's

Friday, April 19, 2019

Mission Possible

General Conference in the Philippines is watched the week after the live conference broadcast.  Every Sunday we are exclusively responsible for the full day's acitivity at the MTC.  There are no teachers or administrative staff on the campus.  On conference weekend, we are responsible for the activities on both days.

The missionaries were great as they watched 6 hours of General Conference on Saturday.  We devised a plan to help them learn and have fun that evening.  With the help of 8 other senior couples serving in the area, we carried out a Mission Possible event.  The MTC senior couples and we came up with a skit at the beginning to introduce the event.  There was a little Mission Possible and little "Safety Zone" and a few Count Dracula capes involved.

The missionaries attended four different classes where they learned, performed some tasks and earned MTC Bucks.  The classes were:
             1.  Laundry, ironing and sewing tips
             2.  Vegetable washing and healthy diet
             3.  Exercise and Fitness
             4.  Oral Hygiene

The missionaries loved the diversion and ended up with ice cream sundaes and many toppings after the event.  It was a lot of work but a great time was had by all!

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