Meet the Clark's

Friday, May 3, 2019

Mission Leadership Seminar - Cebu Style

When we left the Philippines in July 2017, we never dreamed we would be attending another Mission Leadership Seminar.  What a treasure it was to attend another seminar with current Philippines Mission Presidents and companions.  Many we knew from our previous service in the Philippines.  It was a pleasure to become acquainted with MP and wives since we left in 2017.  Two years previous we said goodbye to many in this group.  It's good to be back among mission leaders.  This conference was held in Mactan Cebu.  We attended the temple as a group.  What a memorable to be in the house of the Lord with this auspicious group.  Nine of these couples will conclude their mission service in June of this year.  They will leave behind a great legacy.  

Mactan, Cebu - Shangrila - Mission Leadership Seminar

Daily Feasting Sessions

Sister Teh, Sister Schmutz, Sister Nielson, Sister Wakolo

Wonderful Sister Leaders

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