Meet the Clark's

Thursday, May 9, 2019


Elder Michael Teh has been reassigned from our Area Presidency to the Salt Lake Temple Department.  Elder Teh influenced our nurse, Sister Warner and Elder Warner to serve their 5th mission at the MTC.  For that we will be eternally grateful.   He invited all of the MTC senior missionaries on a trip to explore some spectacular sights in Manila.  After seeing missionaries off from midnight to 9 a.m. that morning, we set off.  What a treat we were in for.  
Off the shores of Tagaytay Ridge is a beautiful view of an active volcano in Lake Taal.  We looked at it from afar but someday would like to hike to the top.  There is a lake within the volcano.  The bulk of Volcano Island emerged from the lake during an eruption in 1911 which claimed hundreds of lives.  Since then frequent eruptions have sculpted the island's appearance.  Taal Volcano remains one of the world's deadliest volcanos.  It truly is a beautiful site!
Next we went to Sonya's Garden, Bed and Breakfast for an enjoyable buffet.  We walked around to see the beautiful gardens around the property.  It was delightful to take a few Preparation hours.  It was a needed respite.

On the way home, the heavens opened up and delyed our trip.  Instead of a 2 1/2 hour drive home, it took us 5 hours.  It was good we were in great company.

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