Philippines MTC Song
“Enter to Serve”
to the tune of hymn #81 Press Forward,
1. Enter to serve, our
purpose firm in Christ,
With hope's bright flame alight in
heart and mind,
Reverence for God and love of all
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Enter to learn, feast on the word of Christ.
Receive his name, and witness of his might.
Come unto God; the way, the truth,
the life.
3. Go forth to preach, inviting
all to Christ.
The gospel truth proclaim to all
Teaching His Truth in every tongue
and clime.
4. Go forth, succeed, in bringing souls to Christ.
His love proclaim thru days of mission
Thus saith our God: "Ye have
eternal life!"
One day President Clark took pencil to paper and wrote new words to a familiar tune. The missionaries love singing it. It inspires them to go and do great things.