Meet the Clark's

Thursday, July 11, 2019

685 - July 12, 2019

Batch 685 came and went like what seemed a click of the fingers.  This was a batch with many more foreigners and a few less sisters.  There were 19 districts total.  In the past our average was 15 districts.  The cafeteria still ruled and the cooks were stunned at how much food was consumed each meal.  There were 11 countries represented:  Australia, India, Pakistan, Mongolia, New Zealand, United States, Samoa, China, Canada, Myanmar and Camboia. 
It was also filled with health challenges such as infection of a blister from new shoes, a broken arm and lots of allergic reactions.  Miracles didn't cease.  It all ended well.  
We love them all and are grateful they were here to share their spirits with us for 3 or 6 weeks.  Our final devotional was filled with great music, the Spirit and wonderful memories.  
Carry on, carry on, carry on!

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