Meet the Clark's

Friday, January 17, 2020

Batch 693 - December 19, 2019 to January 15, 2020

WOW!  What a ride we had during Batch 693.  This was an interesting batch from the start.  Because of the blackout period on travel through the holiday, this batch stayed with us for 26 days instead of 19 days. Our Provo missionaries have been learning a language.  It is generally a 6 week stay then they come to Manila for 6 more days.  They came with 7 weeks under their belt and another 6 days.  Somehow, it worked.  And it worked well!  Spending more time with the missionaries just meant that our hearts grew fonder to them.  

These are some of the events that took place during their stay:
  • We had 16 countries throughout their stay; American Samoa, Australia, Cambodia, China, Figi, French Polynesia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Samoa, Solomon Islands, United States 
  • There were 2 Area Presidency spoke - Elder Wakolo & Elder Bangerter (twice).
  • We had 2 days of Christmas celebration (thank you senior couples from the Area Offices for assisting us).
  • One of our missionaries spent a couple of days in the neighboring hospital.  We went through some frightening moments but there was a full recovery!
  • We had 2 days of New Years festivities (hopefully a post will come in the coming days).
  • These missionaries LOVED to talk.  
  • The cough and cold season hit us hard.  We spent 3 weeks until a no handshake ban.  Fist or elbow bumps were optional.  
  • 2 days before the missionaries departed, Taal Volcano - 45 miles north of Quezon City erupted.  This is the second-most active volcano in the Philippines.  This created the messiest departure that we've had to this point because of cancelled flights, etc.  
  • A major highlight was having an apostle visit the night before they left.  President Clark and I were able to host Elder & Sister Bangerter and Elder Quentin L. Cook and Sister Mary Cook for dinner.  After that, they spoke to our missionaries.  It was a stirring evening that started the missionaries on a spirtitually high plain.  The message of "urgency and importance" is real!

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