Meet the Clark's

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Batch 695 - Last Batch for MTC

This has been quite a transfer.  If ever the thought that all transfers are the same, this would prove them all wrong!  These are the statistics of 695.

14 countries represented:
American Samoa, Australia, Bangladesh, China, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, United States
RTM          84
LTM Jr      17
Japanese    10
LTM Sr     18
Provo        16

TOTAL    146

*** Hong Kong Quarantine
We were given a few days notice that Hong Kong Missionaries were coming to be quarantined because of Coronavirus at the MTC campus.  We swiftly went into action preparing all of the needful things to give "Restricted Access" to one whole building for 14 days.

***  1st Bangladesh Sister EVER!

***  Rare ALL SISTERS District

***  ALL ELDERS District - English Second Language

***  1st Japanese District (9 weeks) at the Philippines MTC

***  3 Malaysian Sisters were redirected to Urdaneta for unspecified time without any Tagalog training. 

***  Dentists made a new bridge of upper teeth to correct Elder with a cleft pallete's mouth. 

***  We had a 37-year-old Sister who will be serving in Oregon enter the MTC. 

Two inspired scriptures came to President Clark's mind in our departure meeting for these missionaries.  The missionaries have a collective goodness amongst themselves.  Just as the tune-ups help us do better, these scriptures were meant for this group to better themselves.

Alma 37:6 - "Small and Simple Things"
Mormon 1:2 - "Quick to Observe"
This can benefit or have the opposite affect with missionaries. 

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