Meet the Clark's

Monday, April 15, 2019


17 countries were represented during this Batch.  It continues to amaze us how International The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is.  Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Chile, Tonga, Singapore, Papua New Guinea, Vietnam, Vanuatu and Fiji are just some of the countries that contribute to our missionary force.  The picture of Class P095 are the Provo Missionaries.  They join us for one week to get acclimated to the time and initiation to the weather and culture.

A text Sister Clark sent to our family said, "...This is the last Sunday for most of our missionaries. They are ‘becoming’ and prepared to begin their own missions. I sat in a Relief Society meeting with 13 sisters from 8 countries - Indonesia Jakarta, Tahiti, Kiribati, Mongolia, India, New Zealand, Singapore and Philippines. What an incredible lesson to speak of Christ-like attributes with these beautiful sisters. Although we miss being with all of you, we sometimes pinch ourselves to have been asked to serve alongside these valiant and brave Sisters and Elders! Have a Happy Sabbath! Thank you for your love and prayers!" ❤

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