Meet the Clark's

Monday, April 15, 2019

A Look inside the MTC

This is a picture of a well experienced and well loved Mission President's wife.  We visited her in the hospital after an unexpected surgery.  Although she was in a lot of pain, she popped right up with her effervescent smile.  Missionaries (and especially Mission President's wives) do hard things.
Unavoidably, some missionaries have an early release because of medical issues.  While we don't enjoy them going home, we are grateful that they can receive treatment and return later.  Hopefully while we are here.  

We wrap our hearts around our valiant missionaries.  They arrive as bundles of missionary (raw material).  In only 19 days they are miraculously transformed to polished representatives of Jesus Christ.  The Lord is hastening his work.
We love them.
6 a.m. every morning is "Rise and Shine".  Quickly followed at 6:15 a.m. by a brisk and brutal 7 minute workout in our Activity Center.  
This was a joyful celebration!  Bro. and Sis. James arrived from India during the period their son was in training at the MTC.  Each family member received their  endowment at the temple on the same day.  We honored their family that evening with dinner at our home.  The next day, they returned to the temple and were sealed together for time and all eternity.  
Their eyes gleamed with light and their joy overflowed.  Miracles happen daily at the Philippines Manila MTC!

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