Meet the Clark's

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

682 - May 29, 2019

This was another group of great missionaries.  Although the numbers were smaller than usual, they kept us hoping with medical needs and other unexpected concerns.  I suppose the Lord knows the details and prepares us with just what assistance is needed.
There were 15 Districts, missionaries from 9 countries, one interpreter and an addition of 5 Provo missionaries who joined us the last week.  Farewell 682.
We look forward to Batch 683.

Saturday, May 18, 2019


It finally happened!  President Clark is finally a senior citizen (in the Philippines anyway).  The celebration began in the morning at the Quezon City Stake Youth Conference.   After President and Sister Clark spoke to the youth and their leaders, a cake was presented and everyone sang to President.  He returned home to find a wonderful gift from his children - a watch. He went to his office, he found many pictures, notes and cards.  At dinner time, President Clark ate like a king.  The cafeteria prepared one of his favorite meals...sloppy joes.  The next day, the MTC Priesthood and Sister leaders brought many snacks and celebrated again.  President Clark will not soon forget the day he turned 60!

Youth Conference - Marikina, ParaƱaque & Quezon City Stakes

Marikina Stake - May 9, 2019


Quezon City Stake - May 18, 2019 - Tanay Philippines
We enjoyed speaking to the Quezon City Stake youth.  
We drove to Tanay and made it there in 1 1/2 hours.  

As the Church has an endless need for young missionaries, stakes try to provide missionary oriented devotionals and firesides.  It's natural for them to invite the MTC President and companion to attend youth conferences and youth events to talk about preparing for a mission.  We visit some fascinating places and meet with wonderful saints.  We are convinced the future of the Church in the Philippines in good hands.

ParaƱaque Stake Youth Conference - Laguna Philippines - June 1, 2019 
(no pictures from this conference).  

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Mother's Day

 Mother's Day in the mission field is generally filled with serving the needs of others.  This year the missionaries, Priesthood leaders and kitchen staff spoiled all of the mothers on Sunday.  President Clark's homemade card was the icing on the cake.

Thursday, May 9, 2019


Elder Michael Teh has been reassigned from our Area Presidency to the Salt Lake Temple Department.  Elder Teh influenced our nurse, Sister Warner and Elder Warner to serve their 5th mission at the MTC.  For that we will be eternally grateful.   He invited all of the MTC senior missionaries on a trip to explore some spectacular sights in Manila.  After seeing missionaries off from midnight to 9 a.m. that morning, we set off.  What a treat we were in for.  
Off the shores of Tagaytay Ridge is a beautiful view of an active volcano in Lake Taal.  We looked at it from afar but someday would like to hike to the top.  There is a lake within the volcano.  The bulk of Volcano Island emerged from the lake during an eruption in 1911 which claimed hundreds of lives.  Since then frequent eruptions have sculpted the island's appearance.  Taal Volcano remains one of the world's deadliest volcanos.  It truly is a beautiful site!
Next we went to Sonya's Garden, Bed and Breakfast for an enjoyable buffet.  We walked around to see the beautiful gardens around the property.  It was delightful to take a few Preparation hours.  It was a needed respite.

On the way home, the heavens opened up and delyed our trip.  Instead of a 2 1/2 hour drive home, it took us 5 hours.  It was good we were in great company.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

681 - May 8, 2019

The missionaries from this batch hailed from Australia, India, Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, New Zealand, Philippines, Samoa and United States.  They will be great missionaries!

Friday, May 3, 2019

Elder & Sister Nielson Visits the MTC

We were delighted that Elder and Sister Nielson came to the Philippines MTC the day following our  Mission Leadership Seminar.  Elder Brent H. Nielson was very involved with the development of the  MTC facilities during his service in the Area Presidency.  He had not seen the theird phase completion of buildings 3 and 4.  We happily toured them through the beautiful buildings and grounds that currently are the Philippines Missionary Training Center.  Elder and Sister Nielson were featured speakers at a morning devotional on April 27, 2019.  Our missionaries were inspired and delighted by their messages of endurance, overcoming doubts and ministering in the Lord's way.  All came away understanding their assignment is to be a one on one minister.  


Mission Leadership Seminar - Cebu Style

When we left the Philippines in July 2017, we never dreamed we would be attending another Mission Leadership Seminar.  What a treasure it was to attend another seminar with current Philippines Mission Presidents and companions.  Many we knew from our previous service in the Philippines.  It was a pleasure to become acquainted with MP and wives since we left in 2017.  Two years previous we said goodbye to many in this group.  It's good to be back among mission leaders.  This conference was held in Mactan Cebu.  We attended the temple as a group.  What a memorable to be in the house of the Lord with this auspicious group.  Nine of these couples will conclude their mission service in June of this year.  They will leave behind a great legacy.  

Mactan, Cebu - Shangrila - Mission Leadership Seminar

Daily Feasting Sessions

Sister Teh, Sister Schmutz, Sister Nielson, Sister Wakolo

Wonderful Sister Leaders


Another great batch leaves the Philippines Missionary Training Center.  We have a difficult time saying goodbye to these incredible young missionaries.  The MTC is a springboard for them to learn all they can before they go into their own missions.  They all make a definite imprint in our hearts. 

This batch was comprised of American Samoans, Australians, Brazilian, Cambodians, Chinese, New Zealanders, Filipinos, Sri Lankans, Thais, United States, Vietnamese.  We had three interpreters to assist the missionaries in their learning.  What an international wonderland we live in!